NIPT test swindon
Aesthetics Kiss by Emma

Baby Gender Reveal in Swindon, Wiltshire

A baby gender reveal blood test is a medical test that can determine the gender of a baby as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy. This type of test is a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) that analyses the DNA in the mother's blood to determine the gender of the foetus.

baby gender reveal test swindon wiltshire
Aesthetics Kiss by Emma

Determine whether your baby is a boy or a girl

During pregnancy, small amounts of the foetus’s DNA enter the mother’s bloodstream. A baby gender reveal blood test uses this foetal DNA to determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl. The test is highly accurate, with a reported accuracy rate of over 99%.

Performed by a qualified healthcare professional

A baby gender reveal blood test is a safe and non-invasive way to determine the gender of your baby early in pregnancy. It can be particularly helpful for couples who are trying to plan for a baby, as it can provide early information about the baby’s gender that can help with preparations.

It’s important to note that a baby gender reveal blood test is a medical test, and should be performed by a qualified healthcare professional. Emma is a qualified and registered nurse.

NIPT test swindon wiltshire
Aesthetics Kiss by Emma
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Aesthetics Kiss by Emma

Considering a baby gender reveal blood test?

If you are considering a baby gender reveal blood test, it’s important to talk to Emma to determine whether the test is right for you. Emma can provide you with more information about the test, including its accuracy rate and how the results will be communicated to you.